First Things first…

Before reading any of this, go watch this video of NBA coach Stan Van Gundy….

…. Ok, let that sink in for a minute.  That video of Stan Van Gundy was shot around 2005 while he was still the head coach of the Miami Heat.  Obviously he was addressing youth coaches and the issues he addressed are just as relevant today. 

"You have a decision to make. Do you want to help build basketball players, or do you want to just tell everybody you won your youth league".

-Stan Van Gundy

We, The League Utah, fully understand just how important winning is and we value player development just as much, and sometimes more.  The philosophy of The League is "skills over winning" and we are dedicated to helping build basketball players.  I have been playing basketball professionally overseas for the last six years and have first-hand knowledge and experience with player development both in the U.S. and Europe. I intend to incorporate a lot of those experiences into how we develop our players in The League Utah.

What makes us different from other basketball teams and groups in Utah is the level of organization we provide players, coaches, and parents.  Being officially sanctioned by Utah Basketball Association means we are committed to building one system of progression for basketball in Utah. What that means is no matter where your player is at with basketball, we will have a place for him/her and we will work together with you, your player, and his/her coaches/trainers to build them up.

We are determined and dedicated to producing great basketball players.  We hope to create a fun and competitive league that actually helps players develop a complete game.


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